張國浩 特聘教授兼國家災害防救科技中心副主任
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姓名 |
♦ 張國浩 |
職稱 |
♦ 特聘教授兼國家災害防救科技中心副主任 |
教師研究室 |
♦ R713 |
研究室電話 |
♦ ((03)-5715131 #42337 |
最高學歷 |
♦ 美國普渡大學工業工程博士 |
♦ |
諮詢時間 |
♦ Wed. 15:00 ~ 18:00 (請先e-mail預約) |
網頁 |
專長領域 |
♦ 大數據分析 ♦ 隨機最佳化 ♦ 蒙地卡羅模擬 ♦ 應用機率與統計 |
Kuo-Hao Chang is a Professor of Industrial Engineering and Engineering of National Tsing Hua University. He received his PhD in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University in 2008. Professor Chang's research interests include data analytics, applied probability and statistics, and simulation optimization. He was the winner of the 2012 Bonder Scholar Research Award from INFORMS, 2015 IIE Transactions Best Application Paper Award, 2015 K.D. Tocher Medal from The OR Society, 2015 Ta-You Wu Memorial Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology (科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎) and 2016 Junior Investigators Research Award from the Academia Sinica (中研院年輕學者研究著作獎) and 2017 IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing Best Paper Award. He is currently the Associate Editor of several prestigious international journals, including the IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, the Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, and the International Journal of Simulation and Process Modeling. Professor Chang and his team has successfully carried out many projects in collaboration with companies, including TSMC, LiteOn, UMC, VisEra, YOMURA, ITRI, III etc. Professor Chang is an active member of INFORMS, IIE and a senior member of IEEE.
<<Honors and Awards>>
- 2017 IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing Best Paper Award
- 2016 科技部產學合作優良獎
- 2016 中研院年輕學者著作獎
- 2015 科技部優秀年輕學者計畫
- 2015 The K.D. Tocher Medal by The OR Society
- 2015 科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎
- 2015 IIE Transactions Best Application Paper Award
- 2015 國立清華大學工學院傑出導師獎
- 2013 國立清華大學新進人員研究獎
- 2013 中國工業工程師學會優秀年輕工業工程師獎
- 2012 INFORMS Bonder Scholar Research Award