簡禎富 講座教授兼執行副校長
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姓名 |
♦ 簡禎富 |
職稱 |
♦ 講座教授兼執行副校長 |
教師研究室 |
♦ R922 |
研究室電話 |
♦ (03)-5715131 #42648 |
最高學歷 |
♦ 美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校決策科學與作業研究博士 |
♦ |
諮詢時間 |
♦ Fri. 12:00 ~ 14:00(請先e-mail預約) |
網頁 |
專長領域 |
♦ 決策分析 ♦ 資料挖礦與大數據分析 ♦ 半導體製造模式與分析 ♦ 智慧製造與數位決策 ♦ 製造策略與工業3.5 |
深耕決策分析、大數據分析、半導體製造模式與分析、智慧製造等研究領域,透過產學合作研究,以檢驗效度並創造具體價值,培育結合理論和實務的人才。曾任科技部工業工程與管理學門召集人、國立清華大學主任秘書、副研發長兼首任產學合作執行長、清華-台積電卓越製造中心主持人、國科會固本精進計畫推動辦公室總主持人,於2005-2008年間借調至台積電擔任工業工程處副處長,曾任台積電、聯發科、台達電、友達光電顧問。目前兼任梅貽琦先生紀念學術基金會常務董事、紫軾書院教育基金會董事長、國立清華大學校友總會理事、臻鼎科技集團獨立董事、同泰電子獨立董事、《哈佛商業評論》編輯委員及各獎項審查委員。發表超過200篇學術期刊論文(Google論文總引用9236次,H-index 49),終身科學影響力與2020年度科學影響力兩項均名列史丹福大學排行榜的「全球前2%頂尖科學家」,榮獲IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2015年最佳論文獎、IEEE Trans. on Automation Sciences & Engineering 2011年最佳論文獎,取得24項智慧製造發明專利;著有《藍湖策略》(2022經濟部金書獎)、《工業3.5》(2020科技部工程技術最具影響力研究專書獎、經濟部金書獎)、《大數據分析與資料挖礦》和《決策分析與管理》,主編《半導體製造技術與管理》、《產業工程與管理個案》等書,並撰寫台積電、聯發科、創意電子等哈佛商業個案,協助台灣產業轉型升級,創造產業價值,榮獲頂級學術期刊Nature專訪報導 (2020, Vol.577)。
簡禎富教授曾榮獲第17屆國家新創獎(2020)、行政院傑出科技貢獻獎(2016)、行政院國家品質獎研究類個人獎(2012)、科技部三次傑出研究獎(2016、2011、2007) 、科技部兩次未來科技突破獎(2021、2019) 、國科會第一級計畫主持人獎(2005~2008)優秀年輕學者研究計畫、經濟部大學產業經濟貢獻獎個人獎(2009)、教育部產學合作研究獎(2001)、加州大學柏克萊分校傅爾布萊特學者(Fulbright Scholar)、第25屆東元科技獎 (2018)、中國工業工程學會會士、APIEMS Fellow、科技管理學會院士、傑出工程教授(2010)、工業工程獎章:產業貢獻(2010)和學術貢獻(2016)、工程論文獎(2002)、呂鳳章獎章(2007)、工業工程論文獎(2001),國立清華大學三次傑出產學合作獎(2019、2016、2007)、產學績優教師、績優技轉教師獎、智財商化績優教師等,國科會《學與致用》(2007)九個典範之一;亦應邀於國內外學術研討會和產業論壇發表主題演講、天下經濟論壇(2019、2017)演講和各媒體專訪。
Dr. Chen-Fu Chien was born in 1966 in Taiwan, R.O.C. He received B.S. with double majors in Industrial Engineering and Electrical Engineering with the Phi Tao Phi Honor from National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) in 1990. He received M.S. in Industrial Engineering and Ph.D. of Decision Sciences and Operations Research with two minors in Statistics and Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A., in 1994 and 1996, respectively. He was a Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, UC Berkeley, from 2002 to 2003. He also received the Executive Training of PCMPCL from Harvard Business School in 2007.
He is Executive Vice President and Tsinghua Chair Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He joined NTHU as Assistant Professor in 1996, had been an Associate Professor from 1999 to 2003, a Full Professor from 2003 to 2010, a Tsinghua Distinguished Professor from 2010 to 2013, and has been a Tsinghua Chair Professor since 2013. He also teaches EMBA/MBA in the School of Technology Management in NTHU. He has been the Convener of Industrial Engineering and Management Program, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) from 2017 to 2019, the Director of the Artificial Intelligence for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (AIMS) Research Center of MOST from 2018 to 2022, the NTHU-Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) Center for Manufacturing Excellence and the Principal Investigator for the MOST Semiconductor Technologies Empowerment Partners (STEP) Consortium since 2013. He is also the founding Director of AIMS Fellows Executive Master Program in NTHU since 2018. He was a Visiting Professor in Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge University in 2004, 2005, and 2011 (sponsored by Royal Society, UK), a Visiting Professor in Beijing Tsinghua University in 2004 (sponsored by Chinese Development Foundation), and a Visiting Professor in Waseda University in 2005 (sponsored by Japan Interchange Association Young Scholar Fellowship). From 2005 to 2008, he had been on-leave as a Deputy Director with Industrial Engineering Division, TSMC.
His research mainly concerns the development of better analytical methods including big data analytics, decision analysis, and optimization algorithms and digital decision solutions for companies confronting with decision problems involved in strategy, manufacturing, and technology that are characterized by uncertainty and a need for tradeoff among various objectives and effective implementation for flexible decisions. Dr. Chien and his Decision Analysis Lab (DALab) Associates have been actively involved in many university-industry collaborative research projects in various industries including semiconductor manufacturing, solar, LED, computers, textile, aerospace, and traditional industries in which they employ analytics expertise in solving real problems with domain experts. He has published more than 190 journal papers with more than 5000 citations and 11 case studies in Harvard Business School. Dr. Chien has published 6 books. His book on Industry 3.5 (ISBN 978-986-398-380-4) that proposes Industry 3.5 as hybrid strategy for emerging countries to migrate for intelligent manufacturing is one of bestselling books in Taiwan and has received the most influential scientific publication award by MOST, Taiwan and the Golden Book Award by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Dr. Chien has applied several invention patents for intelligent manufacturing, 22 of which have been granted. He has been listed as top 2% scholars in operation research field by Stanford study (PLoS Biol 18(10): e3000918. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918).
Dr. Chien has received many awards including the 17th National Innovation award (2020), the Executive Yuan Award for Outstanding Science & Technology (2016), the National Quality Award from the Executive Yuan (2012), Distinguished Research Awards from Ministry of Science & Technology (2007, 2011, 2016), the Futuristic Breakthrough Technology Award, Ministry of Science & Technology (2019, 2021), Tier-One Principal Investigator (2005-2008), University Industrial Contribution Award from Ministry of Economic Affairs for Individual Contribution (2009) and Group Contribution (2010), Golden Book Awards from Ministry of Economic Affairs (2019, 2022), Distinguished University-Industry Collaborative Research Award from the Ministry of Education (2001), 25th TECO Award (2018), the Management of Technology Award (DALab) from Chinese Society for Management of Technology (2017), Distinguished Young Faculty Research Award (2001) and Distinguished University-Industry Collaborative Research Award (2007, 2016, 2019) by NTHU, Best Paper Award (2001), Distinguished Young Industrial Engineer Award (2001), IE Medal (2010) from Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Best Engineering Paper Award (2002) and Distinguished Engineering Professor (2010) by Chinese Institute of Engineers, TSMC-NTHU Faculty Semiconductor Research Grant (2004), and the Lu, Feng-Chang Award from Chinese Management Association (2007). He also received the 2011 Best Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, and the 2015 Best Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing. Dr. Chien is a fellow of APIEMS, CIIE, and CSMOT.
<<Honors and Awards>>
- 金書獎(藍湖策略:發展智慧化管理科技與數位決策,超越藍海紅海循環宿命)(2022)
- 未來科技獎(智能工廠之冰機運轉優化與聰明節能大數據分析技術)(2021)
- 科技部工程技術領域「最具影響力研究專書獎」(《工業 3.5:台灣企業邁向智慧製造與數位決策的戰略》)(2020)
- 第 17 屆國家新創獎學研新創獎(2020)
- 經濟部「金書獎」(《工業3.5:台灣企業邁向智慧製造與數位決策的戰略》)(2020)
- 科技部「未來科技突破獎」(2019)
- 第 25 屆東元科技獎 (電機/資訊/通訊科技類)(2018)
- 中國工業工程學會第九屆「會士 (Fellow)」(2018)
- Micron Chair Professor 美光學術講座教授 (美光科技贊助)(2018)
- 國立清華大學「106年產學合作績優人員獎」(2018)
- 國立清華大學「清華講座教授」(2013-迄今)
- 「科技管理團隊獎」(清華大學「決策分析研究室」)(2017)
- 行政院「傑出科技貢獻獎」(2016)
- 科技部「傑出研究獎」(第三度獲獎)(2016)
- 中國工業工程學會「工業工程獎章-學術研究類」(2016)
- APIEMS Fellow (亞太工業工程學會會士) (2016)
- The IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing Best Paper Award 2015 年最佳論文獎(2015)
- 東森盃「大數據分析競賽」全國第一名(2014)
- 國立清華大學101年度產學績優教師(2013)
- 國立清華大學績優技轉教師獎(2012)
- 第22屆行政院「國家品質獎-研究類個人獎」(每年至多一名個人獎,由於對決策品質提升的 研究貢獻,成為國家品質獎設立22年以來第三位榮獲研究類個人獎的教授)(2012)
- 中華民國科技管理學會院士(Fellow)(2012)
- The IEEE Transactions on Automation Sciences and Engineering Best Paper Award 2011 年最佳論文獎(2011)
- 科技部100學年度傑出研究獎(該年全會獲獎名額較恢復後的數目再減少為每年 74 名)(2011)
- 中國工業工程學會「工業工程獎章-產業實踐類」(第一位榮獲此類獎章的教授)(2010)
- 國立清華大學「清華特聘教授」(2010-2013)
- 經濟部「大學產業經濟貢獻獎-產業貢獻團隊獎」(全國僅一隊)(2010)
- 中國工程師學會「傑出工程教授」 (2010)
- 經濟部「大學產業經濟貢獻獎-產業貢獻個人獎」(全國僅四位)(2009)
- 擔任國立清華大學首任產學合作執行長,整合產學合作、智財技轉及創新育成中心等產學合作 業務,建立專業管理團隊,成功執行教育部主導之跨部會產學合作激勵方案,榮獲「產學合作績優單位獎」(2009)
- 清華大學第一屆傑出產學合作獎(2007)
- 科技部傑出研究獎(該年全會名額減少為 35 名)(2007)
- 「呂鳳章先生紀念獎章」(2007)
- 科技部産學合作典範專書「學與致用」專題介紹(其他獲獎人包括王春山、吳重雨、陳良基、翁金輅、顏鴻森、馮展華、蔡明祺、蔣本基等共九位教授)(2007)
- 台積電半導體研究獎助(TSMC Semiconductor Faculty Research Grant)(2004)
- 「工業工程學刊」(EI)執行編輯(榮獲科技部優良學術期刊獎助)(2003)
- 中國工程師學會工程論文獎(2002)
- 教育部產學合作研究獎(2001)
- 清華大學新進人員研究獎(2001)
- 中國工業工程學會工業工程論文獎(2001)
- 中國工業工程學會優秀青年工業工程師獎(2001)
- 中華民國國家科學及技術委員會最佳研究獎(1997,2000)